March 8th – International Women’s Day!

Conrod's (2F.4)

Women's/Gender Studies Certificate Bake Sale fundraiser & Button-making Activity Stop by and help raise funds for Dawson's Financial Aid food pantry.


Le comité est heureux de vous dévoiler la programmation de cette édition 2024 qui se déroulera durant la dernière semaine de mars : mardi 26 (attention, cette journée suit l’horaire … Continue reading FRANCOFÊTE 2024

Close Up Film Series


Screening April 25th — “Simo” directed by Aziz Zoromba in room 4C.1 from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Presented by Dawson College’s Department of Cinema-Communications   Close UP is a student-run Guest Speaker Film … Continue reading Close Up Film Series