5 à 7 – Resist and Reimagine: Youth, Art and Social Change

Join us for a memorable evening at Dawson College as we present the College's first student-led mural. There will be refreshments, panelists, and opportunity for discussion and networking among invited guests, students, colleagues, family and friends. This event is hosted by Equitas at Dawson College and is open to all, no RSVP required. ROOM: Conrad's … Continue reading 5 à 7 – Resist and Reimagine: Youth, Art and Social Change

Vernissage: Craig Commanda: Wìdjideyamawowin/Interconnection

Wìdjideyamawowin brings together Craig Commanda’s work in film, video, beadwork, and other media. Also known as a poet and musician, this artist from Kitigan Zibi territory (near Maniwaki, Quebec) presents work which is a meditation on being, identity, and culture.


Free Previews at 7:30 pm on Feb 5 - 6 Opening at 7:30 pm on Feb 7 Playing at 7:30 pm Feb 7-10 and Feb 15-17 Matinées at 12:30 pm on Wednesday Feb 7, Friday February 9, and Thursday February 15 *Matinees are currently reserved for school groups only. Please email us to book a … Continue reading Free Preview: LEOPOLDSTADT