Dawson College 3040 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, Quebec, Canada

Take your headshot and use it for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, small business websites, and more! 2 high-resolution images Fee $50 CAD/Students get $20 OFF showing student card - $30 CAD By getting your photo taken, you are helping us fund money for our vernissage and graduate this year. Thank you!

Bake/Art Sale: Monday, November 20th in the Lower Atrium


Come eat treats and contribute to a worthy cause. On Monday, November 20th, from 2-6 pm, the Arts and Culture Integrating Activity will be hosting a bake/art sale. All proceeds will go towards funding the class' end-of-semester exhibition. Eat some sweet treats and check out cool art. Krispy Kreme doughnuts will be available!